Story is the most powerful tool you have in your toolbox.

You are bombarded with advice on how to market yourself and your business. It can be overwhelming. 

I get it. 

But there is a simple and proven recipe for marketing that works every single time. 


Learning this recipe and putting it into practice has the power to forever change the way you talk about yourself, your business, and the impact you have on your customers. 

This summer, learn how to tell a story that turns connections into customers.

A three-week ONLINE camp designed for busy people who need to level up their marketing and hone their skills. 


You'll learn:

How to craft stories, posts, videos, and presentations that engage

How to use some of the most valuable (free!) tools available

What to say and where to say it

How to come up with new ideas


So that you can:

 Grow your following

Start conversations that turn into clients

Use your existing database to grow your business

Take the pain out of creating marketing pieces

Help more people and make more money

Online summer camp?
How does this work?

There are 3 key elements to a great marketing strategy:

1. Tell a compelling story.
2. Create attention grabbing pieces you can share. 
3. Start more conversations with people. 

Together, these ingredients make up a recipe that works every single time.

Ordinarily, to get access to all of this, you’d need to spend thousands to book me to come to an event. But this summer, you can get everything - my best tips, tactics, and templates - via Zoom for a fraction of the cost. 

Join for just 1 hour a day, 3 times a week, for 3 weeks. 
BONUS: you'll get all the recordings to watch back any time.

I’ll distill years of marketing know-how into 9 hours packed with value.

This is a master class that has never been offered before. 

Seats are limited. Get yours today.

“One of the first workshops I've ever attended where I didn't walk out exhausted and overwhelmed, but rather inspired, equipped, and with a feeling of accomplishment.”
Maggie McDermott


You get all 3 camps, all recordings, 
exclusive templates, 
and private group access.
Limited seats available. 

What do I get? 


9 hours of online coaching on the most important elements of your marketing strategy 


Exclusive resources, templates, and strategies that will transform your marketing from day one


All recorded sessions - so you can watch back whenever you want - forever! 


Access to an exclusive coaching group where you can share ideas, ask questions, and get continued help

Hey there! I'm

Valerie  Garcia

I have been in the sales and marketing industry for over 24 years, helping people get out of their own way and create businesses that thrive. I've worked with brands like RE/MAX, HubSpot, Duke University, Anywhere brands, and more - speaking to audiences on 6 continents. I believe everyone has the power to change the world, transform lives, and make money doing it! Join me for a coaching program like none other.

Stories change lives. I'll show you how.